Intravenous Anaesthesia Sedation instructions

Instructions Before IV Sedation 

Please follow these instructions to prepare for procedure with IV Sedation.

Eating and Fluid Intake

  • Perform your usual oral hygiene routine prior to your appointment.

  • DO NOT chew gum, eat, or drink anything 8 hours prior to the appointment. This includes water. This will ensure that you come to the appointment with an empty stomach and prevent you from vomiting should nausea occur. Vomiting while being sedated is dangerous and can be prevented by following the above protocol.

Clothing and Eye wear 

  • Wear loose clothing that does not restrict your breathing and allows a blood pressure cuff to be placed on the skin of your upper arm. Please avoid turtlenecks or dresses.
  • Wear flat shoes.
  • DO NOT wear contact lenses. Please wear your glasses instead.
  • DO NOT wear fitted jewelry

Nail polish & Lipstick

  • DO NOT wear nail polish, shellac, or acrylic nails. A probe will be placed on your finger to monitor your pulse and oxygen while you are sedated and does not work well on nail varnish or fake nails.
  • Minimal makeup is best for the day of your procedure. Do not wear lipstick or heavy eye makeup.

Adult Escort & Transportation

  • A responsible adult escort MUST accompany you to the office, remain in the office during your procedure, be available to help you fill your prescription, and drive you home safely.
  • NO PUBLIC TRANSIT following sedation.
  • Your escort should remain with you for 12 hours following your procedure.
  • Please note, that a taxi or Uber driver does not classify as an escort home. 


  • All minors, 15 years old or younger, must have a parent or legal guardian present to sign the consent form.
  • DO NOT ignore a head or chest cold when having oral surgery. Call immediately if you have any cold symptoms. A change of appointment may be necessary.
  • Have a pillow, light blanket, trash can, and a box of tissues in the car.
  • Have an ice pack available at home to apply post operatively.


  • A minimum of 48 business hours notice is required to cancel or reschedule any surgical
    appointments. Failure to provide sufficient notice, or if you arrive late for your appointment and it is rescheduled, or a no-show of your appointment will result in a charge of $250.00. Please contact our office if you have any questions or concerns prior to your procedure.

If you take routine oral medications, please check with Dr. Albert Haddad or prior to your surgical date for instructions.

Instructions Following IV Sedation 

The sedative agents used in your treatment will affect your coordination, memory, and judgment. Please follow these instructions for a minimum of 24 hours following your procedure with IV Sedation:

  • DO NOT drive, cook or operate machinery 
  • DO NOT perform any strenuous or hazardous activities 
  • DO NOT drink alcohol or take any sleeping medication