Authentication Failure

Oops! Something went wrong. 

The login information provided does not match the account for this document. Please try again and login with the same email address where you received this document.

Please Note: Documents/notifications are not intended to be forwarded.

If this is a completed document to be passed on to others, a recipient of that document will need to download the signed PDF and provide that instead.
If this is an in-process document that needs to be signed by someone else, please contact the sender to have them correct the document and address it properly. To prevent this error from occurring, the sender can add anyone who will need a copy of the completed document as a Carbon Copy recipient. Each CC recipient will receive their own notification that will allow access to the that document. 

Have Questions? We’re here to help. 
How do I get back to my document? 
Once all signers have finished signing the document, you’ll be notified via email. You can access the document by opening the completed notification email that is sent to you once all signers have finished signing. 

Does the office know that I’ve signed and am done? 
Once all the signers have finished, the sender will receive an email notification that the document is completed 
Who do I contact with questions about this document? 
Please contact our office at 416-792-2966 if you have questions or concerns. Alternatively, you may email us at [email protected]

Why am I being asked to complete a digital form? 
Utilizing digital forms allows our office to provide superior communication with our patients and their dental practitioners,  saves time, simplifies organization, provides better security and benefits the environment!